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About missmultifairy

Missmultifairy who is she and What does she do? For me to answer this question has been so frustrating for so many years. As a multi-creative person, it is so hard to find the words to describe who you are and what you do without sounding scatty or slightly mad.

But today I think I am now ready to answer that question with earnest acceptance

So...What do I do?

I am a full time multi-creative experimental artist,

I  create daily mainly through experimentation trying out new ideas
I have never been one to stick to one style or to stay on one path always been one that wants to go in all directions.
So I explore art in all its forms, experimenting with creativity and finding new ideas to be creative and then I share my results through my original artwork and creative gifts that I make and sell.
I had never really accepted being a multi-creative always thought that there was something wrong with me until a couple of years ago.

I was introduced to meditation and that is when I discovered self-acceptance gratitude in my given talents and confidence in my ability.

It also showed me that the boundaries I had placed around myself and that the confined limitations I had given to myself are all bullshit, they are lies fed by a brainwashed society that until we are in the accepted routine of what is classed as normal if we did not follow like sheep then you are branded an oddball not right a bit of a weirdo.

Meditation opened my eyes and made me see the already huge amount of needless worry and negativity I had allowed in my life and this then made me make sure that there would be no more.

It opened my eyes to the beauty that surrounded me that I had been to busy to see before and helped me realize that I was able to do the things that not everyone could do. Which now I can see is a blessing and a talent that I have hidden for too long.

Meditation also brought me Thankfulness and mindfulness into my world Before I would always worry about the when will or what if. So now I say I am a creative whenever I want and a weirdo all of the time. So Welcome to my gallery site I am missmultifairy a multi-creative experimental artist

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